Thursday, April 26, 2012


This year for Easter the menu didn't include lamb.  We did, however, have some of the cuties lamb cupcakes.  Made by a shy member of the Foster Family, they were a hit with young and old alike!!  They are easy enough to do, just frost as normal and embellish with marshmallows.

The early spring has sheep out grazing here much earlier than normal.  Thanks to Liz and Jason!!


Thanks to the generosity of Karen and Bob our sheep will be traveling to The Maryland Sheep and Wool Festival in style.  

We are taking 5 yearling ewes and a bunch of lambs.  I have sheep for sale that will be traveling with us, and I have more for sale that won't be taking the drive with us.  If your interested in any Romney Lambs, we were blessed with some beauties!!!!

Thanks for checking back to this blog.  I know its been a while, but life is giving us a run for our money right now.  We are fighting back, will lots of help from friends, neighbors and customers!!  We hope to have life back to normal here real soon.  In the meantime, thanks for the patience.