Monday, April 26, 2010

This busy week

Its here...its the last week of April!!  This is what keeps me inspired all winter.  I look forward to the Maryland Sheep and Wool Festival all winter long. It is the beginning of the summer season for me.  In a normal year it is our first glimpse of spring flowering trees and shrubs.  The dogwood the rhododendron and the crabapple.  This has been such an early spring we have them here before we even head south.  I wonder what will be in bloom when we get there?

Some years I have shown fleece, some years I have shown sheep, but this year at the festival is new and exciting for me.  We have entered the sheep to shawl.  It will be on Sunday morning at 8 am.  We have been working on this project for quite a while now.  If you have been at the shop you could write this blog.  You have seen it all already, but for those who have not been is the story.

The first step was to find a sheep.  Betsy did that, a nice covered corriedale from Jeff Ruppert.  Next find a shearer (because none of us shear, maybe we need to work on that).  I was given the name of Emily Chamelin to see if she had a list of names of shearers that would be at the festival.  When she called back she asked if she could do it.  Yes!!

Next, we needed a loom.  Again, Betsy made it happen.  We have a portable loom.

Next, what will the shawl be?  We decided to go with a sunflower theme.  I dyed the warp.  It is Foster Farm worsted weight yarn.

Next Betsy warped the loom, with assistance from Mary-Jane.                          
Then we had a practice day.  I will not show the pictures of the first practice day.  It wasn't pretty.  We made a mess and wondered if we had lost our minds.  How would this every come together?  But we learned a lot. Two days later we tried again.  It was a full dress rehearsal.  Sue brought the aprons that she made for us.  Aren't they great.   

Yes!!! it is possible (we think).  We will let you know.
Look out Maryland Sheep and Wool here we come!!!

The shop will be closed Friday April 30 and Saturday May1.  I will reopen on Tuesday May 4.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

new tech tool

Originally uploaded by fostersheepfarm
This is a picture of spring from my new phone. Lets see if it works.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

School Vacation

The kids in this neighborhood are on vacation.  Our 4-H group "Sheep and Kids"  took advantage of this and did a felting workshop.  They met here at the shop.  We are lucky to have a local shepherd who was generous with her time and showed these kids how it works.

                                                    Felting is a great project for kids.  
                                        Its soap and water and making a mess.

It was a very successful day.

Monday, April 5, 2010

The last lambs were born on Saturday morning.  Twin ram lambs.  The total count is 82 lambs born to 51 ewes. They are happily running and jumping in the barn now.  It seems impossible to get a good picture of the lambs on the move.

Outside is seems that summer is here!!  I know its just a teaser, but we took full advantage of the great weather and got a lot done outside.

The sidewalk is done...

The trees are trimmed...

The garden is tilled...

Then on Sunday we enjoyed a day of rest with family.  Happy Easter to all.