Monday, April 5, 2010

The last lambs were born on Saturday morning.  Twin ram lambs.  The total count is 82 lambs born to 51 ewes. They are happily running and jumping in the barn now.  It seems impossible to get a good picture of the lambs on the move.

Outside is seems that summer is here!!  I know its just a teaser, but we took full advantage of the great weather and got a lot done outside.

The sidewalk is done...

The trees are trimmed...

The garden is tilled...

Then on Sunday we enjoyed a day of rest with family.  Happy Easter to all.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Looks good, and congratulations on all the lambs. Deb and I had a great time at your shop and seeing the babies Friday!Here is a link to a pic I took of one of your babies.