Friday, May 13, 2011

Maryland Sheep and Wool part 2

This is Pierce, 2nd place Natural Colored Ram Lamb!!
Tom is holding Penelope, Pierce's twin sister she place 4th we think.

This is Ethel, 2nd place Natural Colored Ewe Lamb!!

This is Harvey, 2nd place Natural Colored Fall ram lamb

This is Liz's yearling ewe, she was stricking!!  Everyone just loved her!!

If you came to this blog looking for the guild show and tell, I'm sorry.  I have lost the pictures.  I will get them tomorrow from another guild member and post them tomorrow evening.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

We can not trust technology!

All of the tech stuff is great if it works!!  I went prepared to write a blog every day.  I had the cameras, the dodad to get the pictures to the laptop, and the laptop.  Sadly the charger to the laptop died.  After the first night the posting was over.  I will try to recap, but not working at night led to more time having fun and I'm still tired and a little fuzzy!!

Saturday morning was the sheep show.  The day started with White Wool Long class in ring 2.  We had two yearling ewes for that class.

It was a class of 17.  The sheep are wild!!  I never intended to show these sheep, but when the Romneys fleeces were to short to go and the sheep to shawl team needed a sheep, I made the decision to take them.  Good decision!!

We placed 4th and 2nd!!... and 1st place pair!!...

and reserve Champion Ewe!!

Never in my wildest dreams did I think of this!!  

This is one for the books!!

The afternoon show was the Natural Colored sheep...stay tuned

Thursday, May 5, 2011


What a great drive it was today.  The sun was shining and the leaves have popped down here.

 For the first time I was the passenger.  Liz was such a great driver, both forward and reverse!!  I am afraid that I may be losing my intern.  Backing up the trailer was the last thing that she needed to accomplish, and now she has!!

The sheep are unloaded and happy to be in Maryland!!  Thanks to all of our helpers!!

Stay tuned for news from Brown Betty Farm and Foster Sheep Farm!!