Tuesday, February 28, 2012

the end of February

I'm back, I know it has been some time since I have written in this blog.  Hopefully, you are understanding and will join me again as I write about the happenings on the farm and in the shop.  

This was the view this morning as I walked to the barn to feed the sheep.  What a strange winter, the end of February and the pond is thawed.

 It was the second trip to the barn, the first was just to check for any new lambs or any problems that could have happened since I was last there.  This morning was quite.  I thought for sure that Osie was going to lamb...

Or maybe Olive...she is shy and didn't want you to see her side view.

  So back to the house to have my coffee and then back for chores.  It takes about 2 hours if I'm alone(which is not often thanks to Tom and Liz) to feed.  That includes bottle lambs ( I am feeding 4 right now, with a few others that need daily checking), grain and hay to the moms and expectant moms.  Grain and hay to the new lambs and to last year lambs that we now call yearlings.  Grain and hay to the rams.  I also have the rabbits to grain and water.  Check the water and hay for the alpaca, llama, and steers.  The one last thing is to make sure all of the pens are dry for the sheep to lay down.  If not I bed them with a fresh layer of straw.  Lately, with all of the lambs, it has been every morning that I bed them down.

Look for more updates soon, I am going to try for twice a week to make up for the weeks that I have been quite.

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