Tuesday, January 26, 2010

WOW !!

We had a great day on Sunday!

When we talked about doing this we had no idea how many people might show up to watch the shearing.  As the days got closer we were on pins and needles wondering about weather, turnout, how many cups, how much cider...  Well it turned out great!!

For those of you that were here, and have some pictures you would share, I would love to get some from you.  I was so busy I couldn't even think about the camera.  In fact, one of my helpers said to me a one poiint "will you get me my camera?"  I couldn't even focus on doing that for her.  When I think back on it I should have gotten some shots, but I didn't. 

This is the one picture I did get.

This is Betsy and Sue.  I'm not sure they will be happy that I posted it, but they are both good sports so here it is.  They worked so hard all day.  We have been working hard on this project for a few weeks now.  I can't begin to thank them enough.  Several others have been helping on this project also, too bad I didn't get their pictures.  Thank you to all.  Those who helped, and those that came and supported us in this new venture. 

Stay posted for more pictures and details about the classes, and opening of the shop.



Jackie @ Lilolu said...

I'm so glad the turnout was great. I really wanted to go but my kids were sick. Maybe next year. Happy Day!

Unknown said...

There are some great pictures on the Post-Star website! Wish I could have been there!

Unknown said...

I love Jackson Hole....6 feet of snow or not! It is still my favorite place. Nice socks :o)