Thursday, March 25, 2010


It has again been a busy week here at the Foster Sheep Farm.  With the frost out of the ground Tom, took advantage of the nice weather on Friday to start on the sidewalk to the shop.
 It didn't take to long to tear the old sidewalk out, and we are hoping that by the end of this weekend we will have a new sidewalk installed. 

On Saturday I was lucky enough to catch a ride to Manchester, NH.  It was a beautiful day, but there was still snow on the ground in places and the ski slopes were busy.  I had a mission, well really two missions.  I was able to see my daughter and to drop off and pick up wool at Sallie Fenn Fiber Mill. 

 Its a great mill, we are very happy with her work.  I dropped off some alpaca and wool to be blended and to be spun into yarn.  I was also able to pick up some samples of the Wensleydale yarn.  OHHHH wait until you see that!!!  She had to rewash my wool, so it wasn't ready for pick up, but she will be shipping it out soon.  I will let you know when its in the shop.

On the drive I was working on some little chicks to hang in the shop window.  Here is a peek...


Learn to knit, Learn to spin, Turkish Rose Mittens, Amanda's Squatty Sidekick Bag, Magic Loop Sock Technique, The Rhapsody Hat and Learn to Dye Your Own Wool.     For a copy of this class list contact me at fostersheepfarm@gmail,com or by phone at 518-695-3058

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Happy St Patty's Day

In honor of St Patrick's Day I have dyed this bright green!!

The sun is shinning in the window today, I feel like spring has really here.

Look at this, its the daffodils!!

The barn has been quiet this week, we still have 3 ewes left to lamb, and I'm not sure how much longer we have to wait.  I must get out the calendar and see when the last day of lambing could be.  This happens every year.  There are always a few stragglers, but I would rather have stragglers than open ewes. 

The April and May class list is almost ready.  I will post it by the end of the week.  I have been washing and dyeing wool like a fool this week.  I need to have it all done and sent out to the processors by the end of the week.  I think I will make it!!

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

lambs, lambs, everywhere lambs

It has been quite a week.  We now have 76 lambs... with 6 ewes left to lamb.  Yesterday Tom and Greg moved the feed bunks to make more room in the pens for the lambs.  It was quite a big project, but it is so much better now.  The lambs are running and having the best time with all the extra space.

I haven't had the time to get my new class list going.  It will be a priority this coming week.  If you have a special interest please let me know. 

Don't forget that we have a workshop at the end of the month for the spinners in the group.  Worsted, Woolen and Whats Between and Perfect Plying.  Both classes will be held at the shop on March 27.  Contact me for more info.  We still have openings so sign up soon!!!

Heres a few more pictures of some of the new lambs.

This is Goose with her new ram lamb.

Remember Osie and Olive?  Isn't she growing like a weed? 

This is one of the Wensleydales with a new lamb.  She has twins but one of them is shy.

Its hard to believe that its almost over....

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Lambs and more big news

This has been a very busy week!!!  The lamb count as of tonight is 52 lambs with 23 ewes left to lamb.  I did not get my camera to the barn this week, but luckily one of my followers was at the farm this week and took some pictures.  Thank you Jessica!!

These guys are hugging the wool tube.  It holds 200+ pounds of wool.  This wool is on its way to Green Mountain Spinnery.  Some of those other fleece will also go go to the spinnery.   We are going to try to squeeze it into a Ford Escape, it could be fun.  I will get pictures. 

Also, on the shelves are fleece that are going to be sold  to spinners, and wool that will be dyed and carded into roving for spinners.  
    Notice that all three kids are wearing hand knit hats!! 

More big news!!!

       Saturday, March 27, 2010, from 9am to 4pm, Fostersheepfarm will host Barbara Clorite-Ventura.  She will be teaching two classes.

Worsted, Woolen and What's Between...Using the different fiber preps and Short-and Long-Draw drafting methods to make Worsted and Woolen yarns and yarns in between.

Perfect Plying...make truly balanced yarns with 2 or more plies.
Barbara has taught at Rhinebeck for several years, NH Sheep and Wool, Maine's Fiber Frolic, Mass Sheep and Wool, California's Lambtown.  She will be teaching Worsted, Woolen and What's Between in the morning session, from 9am-noon.  We will take a 1 hour lunch break, and then she will be teaching perfect plying in the afternoon from 1pm-4pm.  I will be ordering box lunches from the Ice Cream Mann in Greenwich for anyone that is interested.

The fee for each class is $35.  The Worsted, Woolen class has a $15 material fee.  The Perfect Plying class has a $10 material fee, and homework.

Each class will require a knowledge of spinning and your own wheel. 

I am taking sign-ups with the class fee of $35 on a first come basis.  We are limited to 12 students per class.  Don't delay, get your name on the list now!!

Email me to sign up at