Thursday, March 4, 2010

Lambs and more big news

This has been a very busy week!!!  The lamb count as of tonight is 52 lambs with 23 ewes left to lamb.  I did not get my camera to the barn this week, but luckily one of my followers was at the farm this week and took some pictures.  Thank you Jessica!!

These guys are hugging the wool tube.  It holds 200+ pounds of wool.  This wool is on its way to Green Mountain Spinnery.  Some of those other fleece will also go go to the spinnery.   We are going to try to squeeze it into a Ford Escape, it could be fun.  I will get pictures. 

Also, on the shelves are fleece that are going to be sold  to spinners, and wool that will be dyed and carded into roving for spinners.  
    Notice that all three kids are wearing hand knit hats!! 

More big news!!!

       Saturday, March 27, 2010, from 9am to 4pm, Fostersheepfarm will host Barbara Clorite-Ventura.  She will be teaching two classes.

Worsted, Woolen and What's Between...Using the different fiber preps and Short-and Long-Draw drafting methods to make Worsted and Woolen yarns and yarns in between.

Perfect Plying...make truly balanced yarns with 2 or more plies.
Barbara has taught at Rhinebeck for several years, NH Sheep and Wool, Maine's Fiber Frolic, Mass Sheep and Wool, California's Lambtown.  She will be teaching Worsted, Woolen and What's Between in the morning session, from 9am-noon.  We will take a 1 hour lunch break, and then she will be teaching perfect plying in the afternoon from 1pm-4pm.  I will be ordering box lunches from the Ice Cream Mann in Greenwich for anyone that is interested.

The fee for each class is $35.  The Worsted, Woolen class has a $15 material fee.  The Perfect Plying class has a $10 material fee, and homework.

Each class will require a knowledge of spinning and your own wheel. 

I am taking sign-ups with the class fee of $35 on a first come basis.  We are limited to 12 students per class.  Don't delay, get your name on the list now!!

Email me to sign up at

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