Saturday, December 26, 2009

Merry Christmas

      Merry Christmas from the Foster Farm.

For me it has always been about the tree... I love the smell of the tree in the house.  I love to pull out the old decorations and remember each one and who it was from, or how it was made. Of course we all feel that this is the most beautiful tree we have had, but we say that each year. 

This week after Christmas we get to relax and sit around the tree and enjoy it.  I of course will be finishing up some of the last minute gifts that I was sure I had time to make. 

I am also finalizing the plans for January.  We will be hosting Rock Day at the farmhouse.  We will also be hosting a shearing day open house.  Also, I will be putting the finishing touches on the January and February class list.  Many great things are happening in January.  Stay tuned...I will post the days and times later this month.

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